Buying from Marketplace

Buying “Minting” New Assets

Step 1: Head over to the Black Eye Galaxy Marketplace

Step 2: Make you have connected your wallet in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

Step 3: Decide if you would like to mint (buy new) or check out player resale assets (buy player resale assets).

Step 4: The only minting option currently available is for the Salvage Team Spaceship, which can be bought new from the marketplace. Click here to learn more about the Salvage Team Spaceship. The red box outlines where players can purchase the Salvage Team by minting (buying new).

Step 5: Generally speaking, if players want to purchase “mint” new assets, they will find these in the top row at the top of the page as seen in the image. As mentioned previously, the only available mintable asset currently is the Salvage Team spaceship until the MK2 Asteroid Hunter releases at the end of January 2022. Once assets are no longer available for sale as new minted assets, the price of these assets commonly increases due to their rarity.

Buying Player Sold “Resale” Assets

Underneath, players can also find “Resale” assets, such as the Salvage Team. Here, players might be able to purchase a Salvage Team spaceship at a cheaper price. However, it is important for newer players to understand that with spaceships such as the Salvage Team and MK2 Asteroid Hunter, which both have a capacity or decay system, some resale assets may be listed despite some of their capacity being utilized – therefore, the value of the spaceship is less than being bought new or “minted” or even compared to other spaceships.

Players can find all “Resale” assets below, and they always have “Resale” labels attached to them to ensure players understand they are player sold assets. As such, it is essential for players interested in resale assets to make informed purchase decisions based on the stats of the resale assets and their value.

You will notice that within all red boxed outlined above, all "Resale" assets will have a "Resale" Label attached to the upper-right hand corner of the listings.

Want to learn more about each asset listed on the marketplace? Click here to find out more.

Last updated