Selling on Marketplace

Players can sell any of their assets on the player marketplace very easily.

Players will pay a 15% marketplace tax fee to sell assets on the marketplace.

How do I list my asset for resale?

Step 1: Make sure your asset is located in the “Idle” tab in My Assets. The asset the player wishes to sell (e.g., spaceship, planet, membership cards) must be un-staked, out of mining, out of salvage collection process, out of flight, and essentially “Idle” (it can't be in use).

All spaceships must be fully repaired into order to sell one on the marketplace. Not sure how to find a repair station? Click here to find out more.

Step 2: Navigate to the asset you wish to sell on the marketplace. On the asset page, locate the “Sell” button and enter the amount of BYG you wish to sell the asset for.

Step 3: Now click “Sell” and the asset will be listed onto the marketplace.

Last updated